
Straightening your teeth not only improves the look of your smile, it also improves the function of your smile.

Straighten Your Teeth With Invisalign

Straightening your teeth not only improves the look of your smile, it also improves the function of your smile.

Crooked teeth can affect your ability to speak, bite and chew properly. It is also burdensome to clean crooked teeth properly, which could lead to periodontal disease and decay.

The Invisalign Difference

Traditional braces use a system of wires and brackets to improve alignment. Every four to six weeks, you return to your dentist's office to have the wires tightened. The Invisalign system doesn't use wires and brackets, but relies on a series of aligner trays to gradually shift teeth. Although you'll visit your dentist periodically, there's nothing to adjust with Invisalign. Movement is accomplished by wearing a new set of aligner trays every two weeks.

Is Invisalign Right for You?

Invisalign treats a wide variety of dental problems but generally can’t fix large overbites and extensive jaw damage. Instead, Invisalign treats mild dental issues, including the following:

Crowded and gapped teeth

Misaligned bite (overbite, underbite, and crossbite)

We recommend Invisalign for anyone over the age of 15. Many teenagers worry about wearing braces, but Invisalign offers a great alternative fix. Since Invisalign requires constant wear 24 hours a day, children shouldn’t use Invisalign until they are old enough to understand the process and keep the aligners in for long periods of time.

Remember, Invisalign only works if you wear the aligners every single day and night.

No more metal mouth

One of the things many people dislike about metal braces is their appearance. Since Invisalign aligners are made of clear polyurethane resin, it won't be obvious that you're wearing braces.

Improved comfort

Loose wires can poke your gums and cheeks, causing irritation and pain. When you wear Invisalign aligners, you won't have to worry about pain or irritation from wires.

A simple process

Your dentist uses impressions and photographs to create a computerized image of your mouth, which he consults to design your Invisalign aligners. Thanks to the 3-D image, wecan create trays that are tailored to your specific orthodontic issue.

Correction of bite problems

Braces improve your appearance, but also correct bite problems. Invisalign treatment is appropriate for the correction of mild to moderate orthodontic issues, including open bites, crossbites, underbites and overbites. It can also be used to correct overcrowding and undercrowding issues.

No One Needs to Know

One of the greatest benefits of Invisalign is that no one even needs to know that you are wearing them. The aligners used are made out of clear plastic that visibly disappears once positioned on the teeth. Teenagers that are worried about braces distracting from their appearance can smile without fear the entire time their teeth are being pulled into alignment.

Invisalign Offers Flexibility

Finally, many teenagers love the flexibility that Invisalign offers. Braces can sometimes interfere with sports or playing a musical instrument. No such worries with Invisalign! They can often be worn while participating in almost any activity or they can be quickly removed if necessary.

Invisalign vs. Braces

Choosing between Invisalign treatment and braces can be a difficult and complex decision. Each treatment type has specific pro and cons. Traditional braces are most effective at treating very crooked teeth and tend to be less expensive. On the other hand, Invisalign can help to straighten teeth quickly while helping patients avoid feeling self-conscious about wearing visible metal brackets or wires. Making a decision in the debate between Invisalign vs. braces is best made in consultation with your orthodontist and by carefully evaluating your priorities and budget.

Invisalign Before and After

The results achieved by Invisalign treatment can be dramatic. Invisalign before and after photos show a marked improvement in the appearance of crooked teeth and demonstrate the effectiveness of Invisalign in creating healthier, more beautiful smiles.

Convenience and ease of use

You'll normally wear your Invisalign aligner trays 20 hours a day and only take them out to eat. Unlike traditional braces, you can remove your Invisalign trays if you play sports and have a practice or game, or if you want to go brace-less for a special event. Since you'll remove your trays to eat, you won't have to worry about the food restrictions traditional brace wearers face.
Related category slug: cosmetic-general-dentistry

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