NuCalm is a revolutionary all-natural technology that assists patients in achieving deep relaxation in the dental chair.
With NuCalm deep relaxation is naturally and safely achieved through four simple steps carried out by the staff. Within three to five minutes of beginning you will begin to experience deep relaxation without the use of drugs. Once your visit is over you will be able to leave our office on your own, no ill effects and no driver needed!
The steps used to achieve Deep Relaxation with NuCalm
Step One: You will be asked to take a dietary supplement that contains all natural ingredients that are known to interrupt stress. The supplement is safe and will not interfere with any of your current medications or any dietary restrictions you may have.
Step Two: For the second step patches are placed behind each ear for microcurrent stimulation. The research done by NuCalm shows that this helps to expedite deep relaxation.
Step Three: During your treatment you will listen to soothing music through headphones. The music you will be listening to is infused with proprietary neuroacoustic software that is created to facilitate deep relaxation.
Step Four: You will be asked to wear NuCalm’s light blocking eye mask that is designed to remove visual stimuli allowing you to maintain deep relaxation.
Call NKC Dental today to find out more about NuCalm and how it can help you have a better dental experience.
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